My Technology At 70

Ah, the joys of being 70 years old! When I was growing up, technology was a lot simpler. We had televisions with three channels, rotary phones that you had to spin to dial, and computers that took up entire rooms and had less processing power than a potato. They were powered by punch cards and ticker tape. But hey, we were happy with what we had!

Nowadays, technology has advanced so much that it’s hard to keep up. Kids these days are born with smartphones in their hands, and they can navigate the internet before they can even speak. It’s enough to make an old-timer like me feel like a dinosaur.

Back in my day, if we wanted to take a picture, we had to use a camera with actual film in it and flash bulbs that had that distinctive smell when, and if, they flashed. Then we had to take that film to a store to get it developed, and we wouldn’t know if the picture turned out until we got the prints back. Nowadays, people take pictures with their phones and instantly upload them to the internet for the world to see. It’s like magic, I tell ya!

And don’t even get me started on social media. When I was young, if you wanted to keep in touch with someone, you had to write them a letter or give them a call. Now, people can communicate with each other across the globe in real time with just a few clicks of a button. Parents would receive reports on their child’s behavior from another parent from across town. Now, a simple social media can inform the whole world of what you fed your child for lunch. 

Of course, all this technology has its downsides too. Back in my day, if you got lost, you had to rely on a map or ask for directions from a friendly stranger. Nowadays, people just rely on their GPS, which can sometimes lead them down a dead-end street or into a lake. And let’s not forget about all the hackers and scammers out there trying to steal our identities and personal information. It’s enough to make me want to go back to using a rotary phone.

But despite all the changes in technology over the years, there’s one thing that hasn’t changed: the joy of eating a good meal. When I was young, we had to cook everything from scratch and wait for it to cook in the oven. Nowadays, people can cook a frozen pizza in minutes using a microwave. But no matter how you cook it, there’s nothing like sitting down to a delicious meal with friends and family.

So, to sum it all up, technology may have changed a lot since I was young, but some things will always stay the same. And if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to use my smartphone to call my grandkids and ask them how to use the latest app.

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