My “Family Organization” at 70


Family is the cornerstone of our lives, providing support, love, and a sense of belonging. In recent years, many families have embraced the idea of creating family organizations to strengthen their bonds, preserve their heritage, and foster a shared sense of purpose. In this blog, we will explore the key elements of starting and organizing a family organization, securing sustainable funding, and engaging family members through effective outreach. We will also highlight successful examples of family organizations and their impactful outreach initiatives.

  1. Starting and Organizing a Family Organization:

a. Define the Purpose: A family organization should have a clear purpose that resonates with its members. This purpose could range from preserving family traditions and history to promoting shared values, organizing reunions, or engaging in philanthropic endeavors. The purpose will guide the organization’s activities and help drive its growth.

b. Establish Leadership and Governance: Assigning roles and responsibilities is crucial for a well-organized family organization. Identify individuals who are dedicated to the cause and possess strong leadership skills. Designate positions such as president, treasurer, secretary, and committee heads to ensure smooth operations and decision-making processes.

c. Create Structure and Committees: Establishing committees can help distribute responsibilities and engage members effectively. Consider forming committees for events planning, communications, membership management, and finance. This structure will ensure that various aspects of the organization are adequately addressed.

  1. Funding the Family Organization:

a. Membership Dues and Contributions: Family organizations often rely on membership dues and contributions to cover operational expenses. Determine a reasonable annual fee that members can afford and communicate the benefits of joining the organization. Additionally, encourage voluntary donations from members who may wish to contribute more.

b. Fundraising Initiatives: Organize fundraising activities to supplement the organization’s finances. These initiatives can include hosting charity events, selling merchandise, or conducting online crowdfunding campaigns. Engage the creativity and talents of family members to make these initiatives more successful and enjoyable.

c. Sponsorship and Grants: Explore potential partnerships with businesses, local organizations, or foundations that share similar values. Seek sponsorships or grants to support specific projects or events. Clearly articulate the organization’s mission and how it aligns with the values of potential sponsors or grant providers.

  1. Giving Purpose and Engaging Family Members:

a. Establish Clear Goals: Set achievable and meaningful goals that align with the organization’s purpose. These goals could include organizing an annual reunion, documenting family history, or initiating community service projects. By having concrete objectives, family members can understand the impact of their collective efforts.

b. Communication and Information Sharing: Establish effective communication channels to keep family members informed and engaged. Utilize various platforms such as websites, social media, newsletters, and email lists to share updates, event invitations, and important announcements. Encourage active participation and feedback from members.

c. Meaningful Events and Activities: Plan events and activities that cater to different age groups and interests within the family. Organize educational workshops, cultural celebrations, volunteer opportunities, and recreational activities. These events provide opportunities for family members to bond, learn, and contribute to the organization’s purpose.

Successful Examples of Family Organizations:

  1. The Johnson Family Association: This organization focuses on preserving the Johnson family’s legacy and history. They organize an annual reunion where family members from different generations come together to celebrate their shared heritage. The association maintains a comprehensive online database of family records and offers scholarships to deserving students within the family.
  2. The Garcia Family Foundation: This family organization is dedicated to philanthropy. They raise funds through an annual gala and engage in community service projects, such as organizing food drives and supporting local schools. The foundation also provides financial assistance to family members pursuing higher education.
  3. The Chen Family Heritage Society: With a mission to preserve Chinese cultural traditions, this family organization organizes language classes, calligraphy workshops, and cultural festivals. They actively reach out to family members of all ages, encouraging participation and knowledge-sharing.


Starting and sustaining a family organization requires careful planning, clear purpose, and effective engagement strategies. By defining purpose, establishing leadership, securing funding, and engaging family members through meaningful activities, family organizations can thrive and create a lasting impact. The examples highlighted in this blog demonstrate that family organizations can strengthen bonds, preserve heritage, and make positive contributions to their communities. Embrace the power of family and embark on a journey of togetherness through the creation of a vibrant family organization.

Family reunions are the centerpiece of a dynamic family organization. Here are some resources to help you a great family reunion.

  1. “The Reunion Planner: The Step-by-Step Guide Designed to Make Your Reunion a Social and Financial Success! Paperback”
    by Linda Johnson Hoffman (Author), Neal Barnett (Author)
  2. Fimark’s Family Reunion Planner A Reunion Planning Guide Workbook & Keepsake Paperback by Mark A Askew (Author)
  3. The Family Reunion Planner
    by Donna Beasley (Author)
  4. Family Reunion Planning Kit for Dummies Paperback. by Cheryl Fall (Author)
  5. Engaging the Family: Reunion Planning Made Simple Paperback
    by Bettie J. Milledge (Author)
  6. Your Family Reunion: How to Plan It, Organize It, and Enjoy It by George G. Morgan

These books offer practical advice, tips, and ideas for planning and organizing successful family reunions, making them memorable and enjoyable events for everyone involved.

One popular website is “Reunions Magazine” (, which provides resources, ideas, and tips for planning family reunions.

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