A “Poem to 2023” at 70

Remembering 2023

As the year draws to a gentle close,
I reflect upon the moments that arose,
Seventy years have graced my weary soul,
And here I stand, grateful and whole.

In twenty-three, a chapter did unfold,
With stories of joy and tales untold,
Through the prism of time, let me recall,
The highlights that adorned this year’s hall.

In the wake of winter’s frosty embrace,
Hope bloomed anew, a smile on each face,
Vaccines emerged, a victory so grand,
Unleashing dreams of a united land.

Spring swept in with a vibrant hue,
Nature’s canvas painted anew,
Blossoms danced on a gentle breeze,
Awakening hearts and setting minds at ease.

Summer whispered secrets, warm and bright,
Days stretched long into the starlit night,
Families reunited with open arms,
Embracing love’s healing charms.

Autumn arrived, a tapestry of gold,
Harvest’s bounty, stories yet untold,
Communities rising, hand in hand,
Building bridges across this sacred land.

In the realm of art, a symphony unfurled,
Words and melodies that moved the world,
Poets wove dreams in ink and verse,
Painting emotions, a universe to immerse.

In sports arenas, dreams took flight,
Athletic prowess, a mesmerizing sight,
Champions emerged, their spirits ablaze,
Inspiring us all to embrace our own maze.

Technology soared to wondrous heights,
Innovations sparked creative lights,
From AI to space, discoveries profound,
Pushing boundaries, new frontiers found.

Yet amidst the triumphs, we also wept,
For lives we lost, in sorrow, we crept,
Through trials and tribulations, we grew,
Resilient souls, our spirits anew.

So as we bid farewell to this year’s tale,
Let gratitude and love forever prevail,
For each moment cherished, each memory dear,
May they guide us into the coming year.

Goodby 2023

And now, as the curtain gently falls,
Let’s embrace the future, whatever it calls,
For seventy years have taught me this,
Life’s a journey, a blessed abyss.

So here’s to the closing of twenty-three,
A tapestry of moments, both joy and plea,
May the lessons we’ve learned forever stay,
As we step into a brand-new day.

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